Literature Which behaviors should one establish in 2024?

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Premium User
Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Sip some water.
Speak with someone upbeat.
Every day, list three positive things that happened to you.
Laugh, if you have to force yourself to. Endorphins are released just by laughing.
Take in some sunshine (or, on a gloomy day, some positive energy).
Do some exercise or practice meditation.

Seek out one hug each day from someone.
Give an old friend or family a call.
Take some time to engage in a calm and enjoyable activity.
Purchase a new item, even if it's just a tiny one like a different kind of coffee.
Keep your distance from those who disturb your inner serenity.
Have a snooze.

Recognize your boundaries.
Consume wholesome food
Make wise goals.
Remain prepared.
Rest well at night.

Avoid Cigarette: If you can not avoid, try to consume least as much as you can. Put Things Back where You Found Them. Clean Up Your Own Mess. Say you’re sorry when you hurt someone.

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