Risk What life lessons did you learn too late?

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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
The internet is scary. I've discovered that it's best to cut back on my posting when I'm around friends and family. They really do take everything seriously, and society is aware of what you are up to and makes snap judgments about you before they even get to know you. Avoid all of these and keep to yourself.
Never talk to your friends about your relationship. A handful are trustworthy, but since they are also people, you can count on them to turn on you. Please use this advice with sincerity.

Point number two needs to be emphasized: if your partner ever does something you don't like, you should resolve it with them and avoid talking about it with friends because, in the end, you will follow your heart and your friends will think less of you if you follow their advice.
Never put your friends' money in their hands. in terms of establishing a business jointly. Anticipate conceit and jealousy.
Be careful what you post on social media if your goal is to advance in the corporate world. It is crucial, really crucial. Those foolish posts will be mined by others and used against you.

You are by yourself, so enjoy yourself. Nobody should be responsible for making you happy; they have more important matters to attend to.
You'll get to the point where your friends are too busy to hang out and catch up with you. Will that lead to loneliness for you? Launch your empire right now.
When lending someone money, make sure you give them enough so you're still covered if they don't want to pay you back.
Never set aside funds for future purchases or promises of money. You may discover that you're lacking.

Prepare for everything at all times. What if my company fires me right now? And if I fall ill right now? What if my significant other wakes up and declares they no longer love me? You will stop expecting and begin to love yourself more if you take this action.
Never interfere in a relationship. I experienced this firsthand.
What better time to start eating better to avoid medical bills? This will support rather than hinder your ascent to the top.
No matter how poorly someone treats you, respond politely. It really will make a big difference to your mental and physical well-being. In the end, it will be them who will suffer.

I gave up trying to use lies to make up for my errors. I was often asked about my errors and was unable to defend myself with a white lie, but in the end, I always questioned why I had not made a greater effort to save myself after realizing the consequences. Ultimately, though, it is always preferable to speak the truth from the start rather than lie and then get discovered. Isn't that two times embarrassing? You should realize that mistakes are inevitable because we are all only human. Even if you have to suffer the repercussions, you must own up to your mistakes. As opposed to lying and constantly being aware of the need to keep up the lie. Act

As opposed to lying and constantly being aware of the need to keep up the lie, honey, try not to overwork yourself.
I never feel sorry for people because I never want to be like them, so I incorporate all of these into my lifestyle, and, trust me, it feels liberating.

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