Marriage Maters What are list of things that affect sexual life of married couples?

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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
I said if issues affect the sexual life of a couple, it can affect the happiness of the people in it as well, and the level of fulfilment they'll get from the marriage.

Every person who gets married does so with sexual desires in one corner of their mind.

If you like, be a Bishop.

If you like pretend.

Somewhere in your heart, as YOU ARE LOOKING forward to getting married, or as you WERE getting married, you were looking forward to Sex.

If you like say it's a lie. I know you.

You that is already.... Lemme not talk...


Na lie.

I know You

It's on your mind.....

If you like be singing "no glory in this World"

No glory in this World, yet you're praying that God should not come yet.. Because you never marry.

God should come tomorrow abeg.

Alright, let's Proceed.

I just digressed there.

There are 2 basic reasons for sexual issues in marriage




Sex may be going on everyday, but the sex isn't good.

This could be due to

= Premature Ejaculation
2 seconds, the battle is over..

= Erectile Dysfunction.

= Low Libido

= Ignorance/Misinformation about Sex.


The sex is hardly happening

This could be due to

= Long Distance Marriage.. Couples living miles apart.

= Low Libido

= Disinterest in Sex due to past traumatic experiences etc.

= Busy Partner (due to ministry or work) etc.

When there's issue with the quality or quantity of the sex going in a marriage, there will be issues with and in the marriage.

Let's now talk about the thins that make for good sex that will keep a Man or Woman happy, fulfilled and satisfied with the sex life of their Marriage.


Especially for men, they most understand that sex for the Woman doesn't start in the bedroom.

For a Man, sex starts in the bedroom

For a Woman, sex starts outside the bedroom.(How you treat her outside the bedroom)

Sex is sweetest in a marriage with great romance.

A marriage where the husband calls the wife baby, my love, my sweetie pie,

And the wife calls the husband, my world.

Not the marriage where the Man calls the Wife "Mama Emeka" and the Wife in turn calls her husband "Papa Emeka"

Romance involves

Supporting each other

Giving to each other

Foreplay all day/Public and Private display of affection (kissing, hugging, pecking, holding hands)

Going out on dates


Planning together

Playing together

Praying together

Eating together

Helping each other with house chores. Etc.

Some Men don't even care about romance

They don't care about their Wives sexual needs or emotional needs..

Once they want sex, they just tell the woman "come to bed".. They do their thing and walk away....

God forbid

May God not allow our sisters and daughters and friends marry such Men

And may we not be such Men.

Sex can never be sweet in a marriage where there is no ROMANCE.

If you want a marriage with a good sex life

Be Romantic.

Be kind

Be Nice

Be thoughtful

Be friendly.

Good sex starts with good friendship between the couple, especially for Women. (remember, sex for the woman is not just a physical event, but an emotional one).


Sex isn't just a physical events

It has emotional undertone

When there's love between a couple, what happened isn't just SEXUAL Intercouse, but LOVE Making.

Love involves treating your partner with utmost kindness, patience, giving to them all of your substance etc.

Sex is also great when a couple take time to understand themselves outside and inside the bedroom

Their physical, financial, emotional, an sexual needs and do their best to meet those needs.


I've alresdy talked about this.

As a Man Or Woman

If along the line, you get married and find out you have medical, psychological, or spiritual issues that are affecting your ability to give you partner good sex (quality and quantity), please don't hesitate to get medical, psychological and spiritual help as the need may arise..

Get the help you need.

Don't be proud or wicked.


Everybody is wired differently


What turns some people on turns other people off.

Some people don't like being touched in certain places while others do.

Some people enjoy certain things

Others don't.

Different strokes for different folks.

So if you want to satisfy your partner, study them, ask them questions.

Get to know their body, their sexual preferences and needs.

Then act accordingly and you'll please them.

Don't just jump and start doing anything you like.

Ask Questions.

Married couples should feel free to talk to each other before, during and after matches.. (I Speak in parables, may the lord give you understanding).


As you continue in marriage, you get better.

This is why I tell singles not to bother themselves trying to be PhD holder before marriage

Because (1) the person you will marry will have different preferences from every other person you use to do industrial training (IT).

(2) You can get the mastery with your partner after marriage, so why stress yourself before marriage, taking risks.

You won't be an expert immediately after marriage and this is perfectly normal.

It'll take time.

You'll make mistakes.

You'll learn from your mistakes and improve as you grow old together with your partner.

So relax


Get married first

Then Start.

And learn together with your partner.


This goes especially for Men

Sex isn't just about you as a Man.

Make sure you're thinking about your wife and her satisfaction.

Don't force anybody to do some thing they don't want to do.

It'll only lead to resentment and they'll detest being intimate with you and withdraw emotionally and psychological even if they're with you physically.

You'll never get the best experience and pleasure from intimacy with your partner once the above happens.


What I call aesthetics.

Remember, the eyes eat before the mouth

This is also true With Sex as a Married couple.

Your partners desire for you increases as you pay attention to your physical looks.

There's a way you'll dress and appear before your husband as a lady .

The Man who wasn't thinking of sex before wlll see you and dive you straight to the bedroom, that's if he'll even wait till you get to the bedroom.

He can be reading or just watching a video

You just walk and pass him heading to the kitchen

He'll just look at you and immediately, son of Man wll grab you like bread.

He'll be unable to resist.

There's a way you'll appear

Your husband will look at you and go and sleep. (even if sex was on his mind before).

Appearance matters if the sex will be good

Good Sex starts before it starts.

Aunty, your hair is smelling like camphor

And you want good sex.

You're not a good person.

Your husband will hug you

Your hair will be releasing bullets of odors into his nostrils.

Before you know, the Man has lost interest.

Do you want to give him asthma?

Your armpit.

See hair in your armpit like mangrove forest

With your armpit like pit, you dey find good sex.

For Men

Clean hair cut

Take care of your nails

Dress good

Look good.

Smell good

Taste good.

Some Men will wear one boxers for one full month

May the lord forgive you your INIQUITY (because your own has pass Sin).

Married Woman

You're always tying wrapper to bed.

Tying dirty wrapper around the house like person that they kidnap.

We will soon sue you to court.

What happened to bums hot?

What happened to sexy lingerie?

After all, it's your Matrimonial home and space.

Keep your bedroom space romantic

From the colors of the curtain to the color of the bedsheet.

Spray romantic airfresheners in your bedroom.

Married Woman

Bedroom is not kitchen.

Creating a romantic atmosphere in your bedroom involves paying attention to details like the colors of your curtains and bedsheets. Soft, warm tones such as pastel pinks, lavender, or earthy hues can help set a romantic mood. Adding touches of luxury like satin or silk bedding can also enhance the ambiance.

Incorporating scents can further elevate the romantic feel of your bedroom. Choosing air fresheners with floral or sweet notes can evoke feelings of intimacy and relaxation. Scents like vanilla, jasmine, or rose are popular choices for creating a romantic ambiance.

Additionally, you can consider adding soft lighting, such as dimmable lamps or string lights, to create a cozy and intimate setting. Candles can also add a touch of romance, but be sure to follow safety precautions when using them.

Overall, personalizing your bedroom space with colors, textures, and scents that evoke romance can contribute to a more intimate and inviting atmosphere for you and your partner.

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