Marriage Maters The pain of dating A womanizer

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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
The pain of dating one man. and later find out that, He's a man of the people, for the people and by the people.

Ladies with long nails, how do you wash your ministry of Finance.

If your wife says she is tired and does not want s£x, thats it or else it will be abuse.

If you are tired and you dont want s£x,she will say you are now cheating and you getting it from someone else.

You will never understand WOMEN.

Dear ladies, please go to school and work hard or just hustle hard and become someone in life... Marriage is not a career and a man is not a financial breakthrough.

Don't just bring hips and birth certificate to the table. Money tastes good when you work for it.

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