Prayer Prayer for fulfilment of purpose

  • Please we urge all unregistered users to swiftly register to enable you enjoy loads of benefits rollingout in our community. Be open to opportunities to do good for someone else today. Anything that do not please God in your life has come to distroy you.


Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos
I pray for you today that the power that rolled away the stone from the door of the sepulcher of Jesus will roll away all hindrances on the path of your fulfillment.

Any power that wants to stop your testimony will be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.

Anyone who has betrayed you, damaged your reputation, and dragged you in the mud shall suffer restlessness until he or she confesses and repents from their evil acts completely.

May the hand of the Almighty King of Glory bring miracles and great joy to you today and always.

It shall be well with you and your family to the praise and glory of God in Jesus' precious name! Amen!!

GOOD lord bless you.

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