Spirituality How do I know my enemy?

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BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Know your enemy!

He is not without, he is within! He is amongst the circle of your friends but mostly he is within yourself.

He has extended his borders within your heart. You are heartless because your heart is almost used up by the enemy! Your thoughts are your greatest enemies, they devise evil continuously!

Sometimes we think it is a curse from the evil one, while it is actually a judgment from God, judging the imagination of your thoughts!

By accepting Christ, we nullify evil thoughts, evil desires, evil feelings, in our mind, heart and soul.

Christ, the fulfilment of of the Law For this reason, we are judged righteous and in the eyes of God, just becausecwe are called by this righteous name, Jesus Christ. AMEN

Holy kiss to all beloved of the Lord. Amen

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