Freelance How can I learn skills for freelancing from the comfort of my own home?

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Freelance jobs, Freelance skills


BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
In February of this year, I realized what I needed to do with my life. But how exactly? That was something I wasn't sure about.

Internshala helped me land my first content writing internship. I had been trying to get one for over a year but had been unsuccessful. So I considered myself fortunate this time.

I was perplexed as to what I would actually have to do. I knew how to write, but working as a writer is a completely different experience. You cannot write what your mind tells you; you must write what your job requires. Then, in March, I supported yet another Internshala opportunity. ShahWebsetters was the name of the company. I was asked to write articles and reviews about companies that use blockchain technology.

That was a difficult one. While I was aware of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, I had never delved deeply enough into them to be able to write about them.

But then I realized that a great content writer is one who is both good at writing and excellent at research.

So I worked for ShahWebsetters for about two months while researching how and where I could get better writing opportunities.

While writing about blockchain companies, I realized two things: it was a really interesting niche, and it was still growing, implying that there must be plenty of writing opportunities.

Then I began cold emailing potential clients, having discovered that cold emailing is an excellent way to land high-paying jobs.

And it worked for me.

So, how do you go about learning skills for freelancing?

Select what you are interested in (something that can be delivered digitally).

Refresh your knowledge. You can also apply for internships, which are a great way to learn because no one judges you (interns, after all, are there to learn and can always deliver perfect materials).

Begin small (if you don't consider yourself particularly skilled at whatever you prefer to do). This will assist you in creating some excellent samples to show to other potential clients in the future.

Continue to read blogs from freelancers who do similar work to you. They have excellent advice on where and how to find better job opportunities. (I've learned a lot from more established content writers.)

Everything has more to it than meets the eye. Never let your thirst go away.

I don't consider myself settled in this field, but I've learned a lot as I worked my way up to big clients. And all I want to do is share my firsthand knowledge and assist as many people as I can.

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