How can Godly character bring favour to me?

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Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos
_Wednesday, 6th December, 2023.
_Daily Devotional By Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche._

SCRIPTURE: 'And he left all that he had in Joseph's hand; and he knew not ought he had, save the bread which he did eat. And Joseph was a goodly person, and well favoured.' GENESIS 39:6.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When you have godly character, you will not lack favour.

It has been established that character is critical to the fulfilment of destiny. The quality of a man’s character is the quality of his destiny. Men of strong character are always men of strong destiny; and men of weak character are also men of weak destiny.

Now, there is a direct relationship between character and favour. There is a character that attracts people to a person, and there is a character that repels people from the person. There is a character that draws people to a person, and a character that drives people away from the person. There is a character that opens doors and there is a character that closes doors. There is a character that attracts people and there is a character that repels people. There is a character that multiplies opportunity and there is a character that diminishes opportunity. There is a character that makes people get interested in someone and there is a character that makes people to lose interest in a person.

There is a character that increases favour and there is a character that diminishes favour.

So, in life, a person’s character greatly affects their destiny. The outcome of a man’s life is greatly influenced by his character. There is a winning character; that is a character that makes people to win by all means. And there is a losing character that makes a man to lose in life.

From our anchor Scripture, we understand that Potiphar left everything he had under the care of Joseph because of Joseph’s quality character.

Genesis 39:6 says,
And Joseph was a goodly person, and well favoured.
The goodliness of Joseph attracted favour to his life. If you are a goodly person, you must be favoured. When you have godly character, you will not lack favour. By all means, make up your mind to uphold godly character.

Remember this: When you have godly character, you will not lack favour.

1. Ask God for the grace to uphold godly character.
2. Make up your mind to attract the right personalities and opportunities to your life by the force of godly character.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to attract favour to my life by the force of godly character. Help me never to drive the right opportunities and personalities from life by the bankruptcy of character, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: You see, God needs to work on the human character because it is humility that sustains authority! Culled from the book, “Go In this Thy Might” by Dr Paul Enenche.

1 Thessalonians 1-3

AMAZING FACT: The Earth has a strong magnetic field which is responsible for preventing heavy solar winds from blowing on the Earth and causing damage to various life forms.


May the help of the Holy Spirit abound for you for the conquest of Godly character in Jesus Name.
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