Christian News 16 Christians Killed By Terrorists in Kaduna State, Nigeria

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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Following the murder of another Christian last week, sources claim that Fulani herdsmen and other terrorists slaughtered 15 Christians in Kaduna state, Nigeria, this week.
After hitting Kigam village on Tuesday, where three other people were killed, the attackers struck the mostly Christian Angwan Magaji hamlet in Kauru County on Wednesday (Sept. 27), killing three Christians.
According to him, the terrorists also injured four other people in the two communities.
"We are saddened to inform you with a heavy heart about a resurgence of attacks on Christians by the armed Fulani herdsmen and terrorists," Adamu texted Morning Star News. "Our country is bleeding, and the innocent Christian victims' blood cries out vociferously for justice."
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