Prayer You are free from every course - You are blessed

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Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos
There may be things that have you bound: a sickness, an addiction, a problem at work that won’t seem to go away. You’ve tried to get free, but nothing has helped. God is saying to you, “You are loosed from what’s hindering you.” This is your time for release.

That sickness is not permanent. You are loosed from that cancer. Depression is not how your story ends. You are loosed from that depression.

You are loosed from the addiction. You are loosed from low self-esteem. You are loosed from the family turmoil. This is a new day. God is doing a new thing. Receive the release.

You may not feel any different; you may not see anything changing. You have to walk by faith and not by sight. “Father, thank You that I am healed. Thank You that I am free.
Lord, I believe that every bondage has been broken off of my life.”

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