Bible Study Worship Him In Spirit John 4 vs 23 - 24

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Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos
You see one thing that differentiates a believer, a man of God from another is the ability to walk, serve and worship God in truth and in spirit
It is a thing to know and believe in God but it is a more expedient and essential thing to worship your God in spirit/walking in submission to his will.

When I see churches today I marvel the question is why do I do this in some churches the glory is no more there, the minister have no time to be humble again thereby dwelling in past glory
The height of carnality In the christendom is quite disheartening but we say we know whom we worship and we worship him in spirit.

John 7 vs 38to 39 when the holy spirit is at work in a man the things of the flesh does not move him anymore he does not do things to please bs flesh but he does things to feed his spirit man
There is no need for worldliness and carnality in this end time because this is time to worship and serve him in spirit and in truth
Yes ma!! Yes sir!!

There is no need for hypocrisy you are either standing for him or standing for the other.

Note:john 7 :38 he said those that believeth if truly you have received him out of ur bellies shall flow rivers of living waters.

John 6:63 it is the holy ghost that does the work in a believer he sanctifies, cleanses only when you allow him

The spirit quickeneth, walk in the spirit, the flesh ND it's pleasure do not offer anything but rather they mar you.

Note: when you celebrate and give time to the flesh you give your soul to destruction.

You cannot say you worship God in the spirit and yet the oldman the adamic nature is still in you behold old things should have passed away and new things should have come in your life.

When you feed yourself with the word you become filled with him and he manifest himself through you

He can't force himself to you, you must open your heart to receive him, also with open arms and submission and obedience to allow him lead you.

Distraction is the major enemy in this christian race the enemy can use anything to distract you.

Note: when the enemy cannot stop you he distracts you

Thank you holy spirit.

That is why you need to be filled with him because the bible says we re not ignorant of his devices.

Paul said this in 1 corin 2:11 because he has a director the holy ghost and have received him and was ready to be submissive and obedient to the end.

Father any distraction from the enemies to make me unfocused to my mission let it be taken away.

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