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Search Engine Optimization


BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Not always that much—some of these are merely fancy titles that recruiters made up, but generally speaking:
SEO Executive: SEO position at entry level. They probably do everything, both on and off-site, without having any particular area of expertise. However, they are probably at the bottom of the SEO hierarchy within an agency.
SEO Strategist: An SEO with a focus on advanced strategic planning. He or she provides guidance to those doing the work (creation of content, coding, etc.). A strategist may make general decisions about how to handle a technical problem on a large website or how to execute a link-building campaign.

The specifics of a canonical link or individual page title, for instance, are not within the purview of his or her authority. Although most SEOs work with some degree of strategy, this position is all about strategy.
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SEO Specialist: An SEO specialist is referred to by this general term. Also known as SEO Expert, Manager, etc. There is no specific specialization in SEO, but generally speaking, if someone calls themselves a "specialist" or if a position for an SEO specialist is posted, they should have several years of experience under their belt. frequently used as the title of an SEO on LinkedIn when they don't see themselves as managers or executives (maybe because they work for themselves, or the title manager doesn't accurately reflect their level of experience).

It circumvents the expected seniority that comes with referring to oneself as a "consultant," which also implies that you play a very specific day-to-day role of advising others on what needs to be fixed rather than carrying out the work yourself.

SEO Manager: This usually denotes a position higher up in the agency hierarchy than SEO Executive. They will typically handle client account management and strategy more (though not to the same extent as an SEO strategist). This role can vary greatly; in certain agencies, the SEO manager may be the person who interacts with clients and tells executives what needs to be done for each one; in other agencies, the SEO manager may be the person who manages the account, completes the SEO work, and develops
completing the SEO tasks and developing the plan. Whatever the day-to-day role may be, having the title of "manager" indicates greater SEO experience than that of an executive. In-house SEO managers can play a variety of roles, from being the team leader overseeing a group of content writers or SEO executives to simply being the SEO guy or gal.

SEO Consultant: The SEO consultant should have a good deal of experience, as with any consulting position (at least five years). They ought to be able to visit a current company and advise them on the best course of action for enhancing their SEO. In addition to working as independent contractors, SEO consultants can manage an SEO project for a company; they advise making sure their suggestions are followed.

SEO consultants, who work for themselves most of the time, can also manage an SEO project for a company they advise to make sure their suggestions are implemented correctly. Some job positions require an SEO consultant to find a senior (i.e., experienced) SEO specialist to oversee SEO in-house. In these cases, daily responsibilities could range widely, from managing a team internally to outsourcing work to freelance content writers. The term "consultant" is frequently used interchangeably with "experienced," which is a less offensive term than "guru." Recruiters may use the term "consultant" to give the impression that a position is more senior even though an SEO manager handles the day-to-day duties.

SEO Analyst: This title is either a ploy used by recruiters to give an SEO executive or manager position a more "scientific" sound or it is a real, stand-alone position that deals with the examination of SEO-related data. It necessitates proficiency in a number of programming languages, including sophisticated Excel, analytics, statistics, and general SEO knowledge. It is typically not client-facing; rather, it is a support role for the SEO manager in an agency, where they use whatever information they have about a client's website to formulate actions. Similar responsibilities apply to in-house positions, although you'll likely be working on just one website and may report to marketing directors, managers of marketing, SEO managers, or other similar positions.
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