?Ask Is It Good To Revenge Or Punish Those That Offended Me? 1 Peter 4:8

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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria

KJV 1 Peter 4:8
Above all, practice ardent charity among one another since it will atone for a multitude of faults.
Believers, let's show each other a lot of love since it may cover up a lot of sins.
Believers, we must be so united and tied to Christ that we reflect his forgiveness and love for one another.
Christ still loves us despite our flaws; therefore, we also need to show our brothers and sisters the same compassion when they wrong us.
So let us be as gracious to those who have offended us as Christ was to us.

Believers, Let us emulate Christ's forgiveness and kindness.
(KJV) Colossians 3:13 If anyone has a grudge against someone else, they should be patient with one another and forgive them; just as Christ forgave you, so should you.
KJV Ephesians 4:32
And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, and forgiving of one another, just as God has forgiven you for the sake of Christ.
Believers God demands that we love one another unconditionally, or without restrictions. God commands us to love one another regardless of a person's traits, assets, race, or skin color.
Yes, she or he hurts you, but you should still love them. Yes, she or he lied to you and now hates you, but you still have feelings for them.
"Love covers a multitude of sins."

Here, the term "cover" refers to pardoning sins. or to bury something by covering it with something else.

Love is able to cover a great number of sins, just like a roof does for a house. Let's carefully consider a roof's function.

The primary function of a roof is to offer shelter and protection, guarding against harm brought on by exposure to sunlight, rain, storms, snow, and strong winds. Love, then, does not point out the shortcomings or misdeeds of your brothers or sisters. Love, however, shields and safeguards. By requesting that they be absolved of their sins and growing in understanding and obedience to the Lord's plan, love covers and shields your brothers or sisters in prayer. How Can Love Forgive So Many Sins? Love is highly forbearing when being mistreated. Love bears suffering patiently without seeking vengeance, spite, malice, bitterness, or hatred. KJV 1 Corinthians 13:4 Charity is patient and compassionate; it does not envy; it does not exaggerate itself; it is not conceited.

Love is kind; it is neither envious nor jealous. Love is not egotistical or self-centered. Love is neither boastful nor arrogant.
Love does not keep track of past wrongs or injuries done to the recipient. Love does not dwell on the transgressions of those who have harmed them. Love does not keep track of the transgressions of its brothers.
KJV 1 Corinthians 13:5 does not act in an impolite manner, does not seek her own, and is not readily
Love bears with his or her brothers or sisters despite their faults when prompted and is not considered evil. maintains love despite his or her brother's misdeeds.
Love never gives up.
Love is enduring. Love recognizes the best in people rather than pointing out their flaws.
Love is wishing for others' highest good.

Love does not turn away from or avoid people who have mistreated them. Instead, love endures, blesses, and prays for their adversaries and offenders rather than cursing them.
KJV Matthew 5:44–45
44 But I advise you to love your foes, bless those who curse you, do kind to those who despise you, and pray for those who mistreat and persecute you; 45 that you might become the children of your heavenly Father, who causes his sun to rise on both the good and the bad and sends rain on both the righteous and the unjust.
Love forgives others' transgressions. Love does not harbor hate, hatred, or grudges.
Being constantly conscious that the offender sins every day and that Jesus has pity on him or her in forgiving him or her, love immediately pardons the offender. Therefore, love must also have mercy on the brother or sister who has harmed or offended the offender.

KJV Ephesians 4:32
And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, and forgiving of one another, just as God has forgiven you for the sake of Christ.
Love doesn't slander other people. Love understands that to atone for someone's misdeeds is to overlook their transgression rather than tell others about their siblings' or parents' transgressions.
KJV Proverbs 17:9 When a sin is covered up, love is sought, but when an issue is brought up again, real friends are torn apart.
KJV Proverbs 19:11 A man's wisdom delays his wrath, and it is his pride to overlook a violation.
Love is not egocentric. Love does not seek its own.
Love always reaches out to the underprivileged. Love is very compassionate.

Proverbs 17:9
When sin is covered up, love is sought, but when an issue is brought up again, real friends are torn apart.
Wisdom and restraint make a man slow to rage, according to Proverbs 19:11, and it is honorable for him to overlook a transgression or insult without exacting retribution or harboring resentment.
Love is aware that if one is unwilling to extend forgiveness to someone who has harmed them, their heavenly Father will not do so, and they run the risk of returning to endless torment. He must therefore immediately extend forgiveness and move on.
KJV 1 Corinthians 13:6 Love does not delight in the defeat of an adversary or an offender; rather, Love rejoices in the truth of God's teachings. Rejoice not in wickedness, but rejoice in the truth.

Let us be kind to one another, believers. Let us provide forgiveness, as Jesus did.
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