?Ask How do I save my girl child on Valentine's day deceit

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BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Dear Parents,

If you have a teenage daughter in Secondary School, please make out time before Wednesday to talk to her about Valentine's day, educate her on what love is all about.....No matter how innocent that your princess may appear, bear in mind there is something called peer pressure.

Some ignorant teenagers will be lured into sex this week all in the name of Valentine's daySome will loose their virginity,while some will get pregnant over a cup of ice cream (from Mr Biggs, Tantalizer, Chicken Republic etc) and gifts (from Shopping Mall; ShopRite). ...Show your teenage girl lots of love this week and always get her a beautiful Valentine gift and make sure to tell her categorically,looking straight into her eyes that no one will ever love her genuinely like you do♥️♥️♥️❣....This may save you from unwanted pregnancy this week

I know some hollier than thou mummies would critisize this write up and swear to the moon and back that their daughters are innocent and decent issioorite ooo, but bear in mind that if you don't take up your responsibility and talk to them about sex,their mates will surely do that....some of these "innocent" children know more about sex than you think.



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