How do I mine more OEX Coin On Satoshi Mining App?

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BSF Senior Staff
Staff member
Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Your Hash Power(My Hash) and the total numbers of the people you've invited(My Team) is a determining factors of the quantity of OEX coin you're claiming per day.
I want to use this opportunity to encourage everyone to put more efforts in accumulating OEX coin before April 13th. OEX coin withdrawals date is slated to kick start on March 20th I'm foreseeing this coin launching with a reasonable price. If you've not been using your Hashcards, start making use of it.

Start sharing your invitation link with people around you and on social media platform. ✅ CORE coin launched at the rate of $6 is a clear sign that OEX will launch with a reasonable price as well. ● Double your hustle by setting a target for yourself and work towards achieving it.

● Gear up your level of determination, hardwork and consistency. Brace yourself for a successful end cos great things lies ahead. #Wish you all a Blissful and Productive mining ⛏️. ✍Admin.

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